School Days...
We are in the final days of our second week at Xcel Church. Last week we finished up our training and took a tour of a school but this week we actually got to go in and start!
On Tuesday we went and spent the day at a local Secondary School here in Newton Aycliffe. School systems are a little different here. Here is a basic outline of the school years in the UK.
So know when I say Primary School or Secondary School you can kind of understand. One thing that I found interesting is that students are allowed to finish school after Year 11 (age 16). They can then go to "college" and choose from a list of courses to study. After college they can then go on to University. So you can understand why I got very confused when talking to a group of young people who told me they were going into college at age 16. lol.
On Tuesday we went and spent the day at a local Secondary School here in Newton Aycliffe. School systems are a little different here. Here is a basic outline of the school years in the UK.
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(Year 12 and 13 are also called "College") |
The Secondary school we went into also has some "College" students. This school is amazing. They are a Arts and Science School. They have music studios, dance studios, art rooms and so much more. The students there are awesome! The head teacher asked for us to tell them what kind of classes we would like to be in. My classes will be English, Reading and Drama! On Tuesday we went in and attended a few of our classes to get a feel for the school. I loved it so much! Being an foreigner in these schools is like being a celebrity. Every time I open my mouth to say something everyone gets so excited. They say things like "Oh my she has a proper American accent" or "Do you know Justin Bieber?" So basically my Texas accent means nothing which is fine and apparently the Canadian Justin Bieber is now American. lol. This school is amazing and I am so excited to be a part of it. I can't wait to see what is going to happen.
This morning we continued in the schools. This time attending our primary school for our first assembly. About 160 primary school children attended the assembly. "Cute" does not even begin to describe these children. They were very excited to see the new Pais team and it seemed like they enjoyed our assembly very much. During this assembly we pretended that we were on a talk show and our team leader, Chris interviewed each new team member. We showed pictures and brought different items from each of our countries. Of course I talked about Texas and I did not forget to mention the wonderful fried foods. By the end of the assembly I think everyone was hungry for fried chicken.
At the end of the assembly the head teacher thanked us and then began school announcements. When she was finished she did something that I never thought I would ever see in a school...let alone a PUBLIC school. She asked all of the kids to fold their hands and bow their heads as she lead them in one of the most thoughtful prayers I have ever heard. It was so simple yet so sweet. And at the end each child agreed in one big high pitched "Amen!" WOW! Where am I? That would never happen in America. I was floored. I just know that God is going to move in this school. On Monday we got to read the prayer wall that was put in that school by last year's Pais team. Some of the prayers are sweet and a little silly but then some jump off the paper and tug at your heartstrings. Families are broken, children have lost loved ones, children's friend are dying of cancer. It is gut wrenching what these little people are going through. I know that this year God is going to bring healing to children, families and the school. I am just so glad that He is allowing me to be a part of it.
Just a few prayer requests...
1. Finances: There are some members of my team that have definitely been taking leaps and bounds of faith. They are in need of monthly supporters. Please pray that God continues to preform miracles in our team with money.
2. Our car: We got a team car before we came to Newton Aycliffe. It is bright purple and it fantastic! However it is also very very old. Please pray that it continues to run without complications. Please pray for safe travels without any issues.
3. Our Church: Xcel Church is amazing! We have been so blessed by the family that we have been welcomed into. Please pray blessings over them for taking us in and helping us with our ministry.
4. Our Hosts: We have 4 precious families that have graciously opened their doors to us. Pray that they will be blessed in abundance for being so selfless and hospitable.
5. Our Team: Pray that we continue to grow together and work well together. Pray that nothing comes between us so that we can be an unstoppable force when we go into schools.
6. Health: Pray that we stay healthy. I am feeling under the weather already and I am praying that it does not slow me down!
Finally I would like to challenge you to join our team, Pais GB and Pais Globally in praying everyday at 10:02. Luke 10:2 says "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest. Everyday we stop everything we are doing and we pray for workers all over the world. We pray that God will send more people to the mission field. Please join us and pray for more workers.
Thank you all for your support. I look forward to what is in store and I can't wait to tell you more!
P.S If you haven't already please like our facebook page for Pais Xcel. Click here to visit our page!
P.S If you haven't already please like our facebook page for Pais Xcel. Click here to visit our page!
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