"We've Only Got 4 Minutes to Save the World."

I don't know about anybody else but this phrase scares me.  The thought of only having a short amount of time to save the world makes me want to curl up into a ball and scream.  Our world is filled with so many evil things and our people are falling into the Devil's trap every day.  It makes my heart ache whenever I look at the world through the eyes of God.  When I look at the hungry and the homeless I wonder how we got to this point in our world?

I wonder what would happen if we took all of the money spent on the lottery or all of the money in the lottery and gave it to people in Africa who have now started to number their children instead of giving them a name because the loss of a child is so common.  We know about all the problems in the world and we have the abilities to fix them but we don't.  Why are we so selfish when it comes to money?  Americans have not felt the stabs of hunger pains that many people in the world have.  Americans have to decide between vitamin water or VOS water instead of having to walk 3 miles to a waste filled watering hole.  I know that we have our fair share of problems and pain in America but it will never add up to the problems of other countries.  We are so blessed to live here however we still manage to find something to complain about.

I have recently been blessed to work at a wonderful church who has a heart for people but I am beginning to realize that you can't help everyone and that is one of the hardest lessons that I will ever have to learn.  I see commercials advertising child sponsorship all the time and wish that I could devote my entire paycheck to the cause.  I am starting to learn this difficult lesson that I must be responsible with what God has given me but I am constantly frustrated with my overwhelming amount of people that I can help and my dwindling amount of resources.  I really wish that I could win the lottery and then spend it all on things that we really should be spending it on.

I am just a young girl getting started in ministry and trying to figure out who I can help.  I realize that I can't save the entire world but I promise that I will try my hardest to save as many as I can.



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