Wowza it has been a long time since I posted an update. So much has happened and God has been so faithful. Me on the other hand...not so much.
God really rocked my faith a few weeks ago. I received an email stating that my UK Visa had been denied. I got that email on a friday morning after having an incredible morning with some of my favorite people. We went to movie at 10am and had a blast! I thought it was going to be the makings of a great day. I was ready to get some stuff done.
As I was sitting in my car checking my email I got to the one about my visa. Reading the word denied I immediately felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. I had to read the words over and over again to make sure that I was seeing it correctly. Immediately I began to cry and text everyone I knew, looking for some kind of encouragement. I needed someone to tell me to calm down and everything was going to be ok. But how was it going to be ok? I had just lost $300 and was running out of time. I started thinking that maybe England was not in the cards for me this year.
I found that person to calm me down when I called my mom. Now for those of you who don't know this my mom is my biggest fan. She helps me with everything. But me moving to the UK for a year has kinda quieted her opinion a little. She is not as excited about this decision as she usually is. But in this moment that I needed her she did something that I did not expect. Any mother hating the idea of her daughter moving halfway across the world for a year might have taken this opportunity to say "Maybe this is God telling you to stay." But no! My mother put her feelings aside, told me to dry my tears and began to pray for me over the phone. She was my rock in that moment. She knew that England was God's plan for me and she was not going to stand in the way.
After crying my eyes out to my mom I then went home to sulk more. My life and plan were over. Everything had been thrown out the window. All I could do was sit and think why would they deny me. I would not know the answer to that question until monday or tuesday. So I had the weekend to wait...and wait...and wait...
It was awful! I believe that God denied my visa to test my faith and boy did I fail. I did not believe that God could or would give me my visa. I started thinking that what was once His plan was now my plan and it was ruined. How was I going to come up with another $300 and how would I be able to get everything done in time.
After waiting some time we found out the reason for me being denied. Paperwork...a silly number was expired and all I needed was a new one. Things were starting to look up. Within that next day my parents had overnighted me my passport, God had provided the $300 and I was on my way to mail off my application once again.
This time I put each paper in the envelope carefully, double checking everything to make sure it was perfect. Then I had my church staff family pray over it and sent it on it's way. I have never been so terrified.
During this time I waited...and prayed...and waited. But what was different this time is that I BELIEVED that God was going to give me my visa. I received the email. I was so nervous opening it up. My eyes were searching in fear for the word denied but they did not find it. They did however land on the word ISSUED WOOHOO!!!! I got it folks. I am officially headed to the UK on August 23rd.
I know now why God denied my visa the first time and I will be sure to not ever doubt him again. Thank you to all of my family and friends for the prayers and support. I could not have done any of this without you!
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