In one week I will be standing with Pais Xcel as we close the chapter of this year and get ready to embark on the next chapter...apart. I can't believe that this year is already over. It feels like just yesterday I arrived in England. When I left America I thought I knew everything there was to know about myself. Boy was I wrong! Here are some things that I have learned this year.
1. You are not too old to learn new things...even from those that are younger than you.
This is my team leader, Chris. He is 19 and is from England. I am going to be completely honest and say that when I first found out he would be my leader I was worried about what he would be able to teach me. Because we all know that in 24 years I have figured out everything there is to know about life, ministry, God and friendship. I am a pro. lol. NOT! I was so wrong about this one. I have learned so much from this guy. It has been an amazing journey with him. It was not smooth all the time but it sure has been fun. He has taught me more about myself in a year than I have figure out about me in the past 5. He has been so supportive and so patient with me. I can't imagine what my year on Pais would have looked like if Chris would have not been my leader.
2. Humility is not something that is easily learned.
This is Ebi. He is 24 and is from India. This guy has truly changed my life in just one short year. I could sit here and type all day about all the amazing things he has done. His life story is so incredible. He has had to overcome and face so many obstacles but you will never here one bad word come out of his mouth. I have never seen him complain about anything. He is always thanking God for the good and the bad. He has taught me that humility is a wonderful attribute and one that I strive to practice daily. Ebi has got humility down to an art but I know that it has taken him many years of hard times to figure it out. I am so thankful for Ebi and his presence in my life. He is the only friend that makes hearing my name "Callie Rose" sound so sweet. His smile and his encouraging words bring such warmth to my heart and I am so grateful that God put us together so that we could be friends.
3. It is always important to find the good in a bad situation.
This is Karla. She is 18 and from Germany. She is my "little sis" and I am so thankful for her this year. She has taught me so much but probably one of the biggest things that I love about Karla is she is always so positive. Even when I am in tears at my breaking point she reminds me of the good in a situation and brings me out of my pity party. She is so encouraging and so wise for someone so young. She is going to be an amazing teacher one day and I know this because she has been my teacher. Karla is a great friend and I am so lucky to have her in my life.
4. There is no "I" in "team."
No matter who the leader of a team is, if one person fails we all fail. I have learned that a team needs to have everyone's back, not just the leaders. My team has taught me the importance of looking out for everyone instead of just myself. They have taught me to focus more on people and not on the tasks at hand. They have helped me understand when my words have hurt them and they have forgiven me when I just didn't have things together. Without my team I don't think this year would have been as great. God really knows what He is doing when he puts 4 people from 4 different countries into a town full of English people.
God really worked in our lives this year. Not only did we help advance the kingdom of God but God helps us advance the people that we are. He helped mold us into the people that He has envisioned us to me. He has provided for us when we were in need and has blessed us with the ability to be a blessing when we had plenty. I am so thankful for this year and I can't believe it is over, however I know that God has so much planned for next year. He has so much planned for a team in Arlington made up of 4 Germans and 1 extremely excited Texan. I am sad to close this chapter but I know that God is not finished with my book yet and the next chapter is coming quickly and it is going to be great!
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