"Can you pay my bills? Can you pay my telephone bills?"

Ok so reason #1 why being an adult sucks.  It is those lovely letters that you get in the mail.  Some people like to call them bills.  I would rather call them "fun sucking monsters."  It seems that every time you get a little extra money SOMETHING always comes up.

For example, yesterday I received my first paycheck from my full time job.  I was really excited.  My bank account had not seen those kind of numbers in a long time.  I had all these plans for what I could do with that money.  I could save some, use some and use some more on fun things that I had been wanting.  That was the child inside me saying "you are practically Bill Gates right now...go to the mall!" NO!  I had to resist because I am now...an adult. yuck!

So here is what I did.  I sat down and figured out all of the bills that I have.  It came to a whopping total of 410.00 for the month.  eeek!  So I looked at my pay check.  Immediately took out my tithe. (notice you take out your tithe BEFORE you pay bills!) Then I started to pay them.  I noticed that those Washington's were dropping like flies!  Phone bill...check, gas bill...check, utility bill...check, rent...double check, cox...check, new tires...che...UMM SAY WHAT?????  NEW TIRES?????  Yep that is right folks.  New tires....

Just one more thing added to the list of expenses right?  I have been needing new tires for a while now and ever since I had my flat the urgency has gotten higher.  So yesterday I shopped around, let the tire salesman give me there 700.00 estimates, and settled for the off brand set of tires for a whopping 522.10!  "Welcome to adult hood Callie, we have been waiting for you."  When I handed over my credit card I felt like someone had punched me in the gut and taken my first born.  I wanted to curl up into a ball and sink into the pitch black nothingness of my newly drained bank account.

Needless to say I am still recovering from that loss.  But today my day gets a bit brighter because I have put aside a little money and I am going on a women's staff shopping trip tonight to have the equivalent of Clint and Stacey tell me what not to wear.  It is going to be so much fun and the best part is that I get to let the little kid inside of me out for a few hours.  WHOOPEE!!!!!!!!!!!



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